Shock absorver using mechanical syngularity

The mechanism shown in the figure was designed. This mechanism does not transmit the impact of landing.
The motion of this mechanism is shown in the figure.
  1. When the mechanism falls, the central rod first hits the ground. Due to the singularity of the mechanism, the impact of the collision between the rod and the ground is not transmitted to the main body of the mechanism (the blue part).
  2. The mechanism starts to move triggered by the collision of the rod with the ground.D
  3. Finally, the weight strongly impacts the ground, and the main body touches the ground with zero velocity. At this point, the impact of the collision between weight and ground is not transmitted to the main body due to the singularity of the mechanism.
While singularities in mechanisms are generally avoided because they lead an unstable motion, this is designed to take advantage of singularities not to transfer the shock. In this mechanism, the momentum of the main body is exchanged to the weight, and the energy is dissipated by hitting the ground. It is thus called a "momentum-exchanging impact absorbing damper.

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